Start Selling

Earn income by selling on Laprimera online.

Sell your items quickly—millions of buyers are ready.

Acquire fundamental knowledge.

Here’s the essential information to kickstart your selling journey.


List your item

List new or used items and pay a final value fee only upon sale. Discover more about fees


Get seller protection

You’re safeguarded by policies, vigilant monitoring, and our dedicated customer service team.


Choose when you get paid

Choose between daily or weekly payouts, and we’ll deposit your earnings directly into your bank account

Turning your sales into a business? We simplify the process

Access robust tools to effortlessly handle inventory and orders, monitor sales, and strengthen your brand.

Craft an outstanding listing

Here’s six ways to set yourself up for success.

Compose a compelling title.

  • We’ll suggest commonly used search terms by buyers, so ensure to include them in the title.
  • Avoid all caps and emphasize specific details such as brand, model, size, and color.

High-quality photographs

  • Utilize recommended search terms that buyers often use by incorporating them into your title.
  • Avoid using all caps and concentrate on highlighting specific details such as brand, model, size, and color.

Choose a purchase format.

  • Opt for "Buy it Now" if you want to sell your item quickly.
  • Alternatively, choose "Auction" if you want to try your luck and aim for the best possible price.

Establish the right price.

  • We’ll suggest a price based on recent sales of similar items.
  • You can also observe how other sellers are pricing their items or use the Best Offer option to negotiate and expedite the selling process.

Stand out from the crowd

  • Boost visibility and reach more buyers by promoting your listing through sponsored placements across the buy2eBay network.
  • Accelerate your sales with eBay’s advertising tools.

Effortlessly handle shipping.

  • While we offer delivery recommendations, consider using an buy2eBay delivery label to save on shipping costs.
  • Additionally, if you’re selling locally, you can provide the option for Local Pickup


Upon selling your item, we typically charge 10-15% of the final value. Your first 250 listings each month are free, and beyond that, there’s a $0.35 insertion fee per listing. For more details on fees

eBay offers shipping recommendations, allowing you to select your preferred carrier. If you can’t make it to a local drop-off, some carriers provide free "ship from home" pickup. Print your shipping labels through eBay to benefit from discounts with our partner carriers. In case you don’t have a printer, we also provide QR codes for buy2eBay labels.

When creating your listing, you can provide local pickup by selecting it in the shipping details. After the buyer completes the payment, they will receive a QR code and a 6-digit code. You can then scan the code or enter it through the app to confirm the sale.

Select the shipping option that provides the best value and convenience for you. Find additional information about shipping

Utilize any packaging materials you already have at home or acquire free boxes from carriers. For a branded touch, consider purchasing buy2eBay-branded supplies. Explore buy2eBay-branded packaging

We recognize that unforeseen events can occur beyond your control as a seller. When they do, rest assured that we’ve got your back. Explore more about seller protection

We acknowledge that unforeseen circumstances may occur beyond your control as a seller. In such instances, we provide seller protection. Find more details about seller protection

You can sell a wide range of items on buy2eBay, including homemade goods and used or unused items from your closet. However, there are restrictions on items that violate laws or infringe on intellectual property rights.

To begin, choose "List an item." We’ll guide you through creating and verifying your account, and setting up payment information during your initial listing. Keep your preferred payment account details ready and be prepared to receive a call or text on your phone for verification.

Upon confirming the receipt of the buyer’s payment, payouts are sent directly to your bank account from Monday through Friday (excluding bank holidays) within two business days. Once initiated, funds are generally available within 1-3 business days, depending on your bank’s normal processing time

Starting on January 1, 2022, IRS regulations mandate that all businesses processing payments, including online marketplaces like buy2eBay, must issue a Form 1099-K for all sellers who receive $600 or more in sales. This new tax reporting requirement may impact your 2022 tax return, which you may file in 2023. It’s important to note that receiving a 1099-K doesn’t automatically mean you’ll owe taxes on the reported amount. Only profits from the sale of goods are considered taxable, so selling an item for less than its purchase price typically does not incur income tax. For more information on these changes, check our 1099-K FAQ

Leverage buy2eBay Ads to grow your buy2eBay business, utilizing powerful advertising tools that establish a meaningful connection between you and buy2eBay global community of enthusiastic buyers. Accelerate the sale of your items by standing out among billions of listings, reaching interested buyers regardless of your budget size. Learn more

Confidently move forward; we've got your back